Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How Strong is Your Faith?

~~~ Isaiah 7:1-9 ~~~ Psalm 48 ~~~ Matthew 11: 20-24 ~~~

"...the heart of the king and the heart of the people trembled,
as the trees of the forest tremble in the wind...."
"...Unless your faith is firm
you shall not be firm!"

When thrust into turmoil you will undoubtedly be blown
off course
unless your faith is firm.

Just last week we had some local flooding close to our home;
this is one occasion when your faith needs to be firm. The overwhelming
 feeling of watching the water creep up your yard and gradually
seep into your house. Within a couple hours some had water entering
their house as if nothing was to prevent it from swallowing
up the whole property.

No matter what your age there will always be something
that makes you tremble in the depths of your heart.
There will always be the unknown that can catch you off guard.
The fact is no matter how hard we may try we are just not capable
of creating every possible scenario in our heads.
It is probably better for our mental and emotional health
that we not be able to conjure up all of the possibilities
that we may encounter.

I have heard people wish they knew their future.
I believe if we could see the future we would not have the stamina
to develop the stronger faith required.
We would become overwhelmed or even paralyzed at what the
future had in store for us.

It amazed me that even storms far away can effect you where you are.
Even when you cannot see the storms...they are not yet on your radar screen...
they still send out far reaching ripples.

Those who have firm faith find the strength to continue
in spite of the storms of life.
In many cases they are able to extract good in the midst of their trials.
Often when we witness the trials of others the fallout is a stronger
commitment in our own faith.

There can be no resurrection without death.
No rainbow without the dark rain laden clouds.
No fruit without the fading shriveled blossom.
No delicate butterfly without the earth bound caterpillar.

Sometimes we must have our faith tested in order to validate its
existence to ourselves.
Faith is not seen with the naked eye it must be a like a drenching rain
which chills to the bone.

Pray for a faith strong enough to help you weather the worst of times
even as you experience the good times.

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