Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, January 26, 2012

"Take Care What You Hear"

Mark 4: 21-25

"For there is nothing hidden except to be made visible...nothing is secret except to come to light. Anyone who has ears ought to hear..." and finally emphasizing..."Take care what you hear."

Yesterday we reflected on seeing in the true sense not only with our physical eyes. Today we have the Gospel of Mark also speaking to us about things becoming visible through the light. Could he be implying through the Light of Christ? For all things are visible with the Divine Light.

Mark, however, continues his instruction concerning our hearing. We were created by God with the gift of our senses. I have a difficult time what my life would be like without one of my senses. I have asked myself, If I had to freely give up one of my senses which one would it be. Well I admit I am selfish because for me the easiest sense to sacrifice would be my sense of taste.

I could not imagine not being able to see all of the wonders God has created for us. I definitely would be devastated to loose my hearing. If I could not hear just music alone I would be a very different person. I always hold in high admiration those who have lost their sight or hearing. Those I know have been given the grace to live full lives in spite of their loss.

Jesus tells his followers, that would be us, to 'take care what you hear'. I wonder how that might apply to us in today's environment? There are so many times I have had the television on and heard something I wish I had not. Until today I was conscious of what was entering into my ears, but now I want to be more discerning about what I choose to listen to. I want to hear about the good things happening in our world, I want to hear words of kindness, love, encouragement, and peace just to list a few.

So if that is what I want to hear I am then compelled to begin with myself. I certainly have the ability to thoughtfully choose my words before I speak. I also realize that I am not perfect and must decide to make this a priority for myself. I invite you to join me. Start with today, speak only kind words to others.

If we take care what we hear, what words are entering into our minds and hearts; we will be giving ourselves an enriched vocabulary from which to draw. You do not need a rich vocabulary to condemn and curse others.

"Take care what you hear" influences daily how you speak.  Words spoken as well as those heard linger within our soul.

Now I have left no time to share with you my thoughts on the lovely letter
Paul writes to his dear friend Timothy...2Tim. 1: 1-8

As I read Paul's words to his friend I was feeling the love he must have had for Timothy. Here are a few phrases that touched my heart...I remember you constantly in my prayers...I yearn to see you again...I recall your sincere faith...stir into flame the gift of God.

So much to contemplate in today's readings.

To you my readers; I give thanks to God and I do remember you in my prayers.

Original image: I chose this photo of a sunset because even though the sun has already set the sky fills with color for several more minutes. I chose this kaleidoscope image because the concentric design reminds me to be aware of what comes into my hears and what comes out of my mouth.

What we hear and speak flow together in continous ripples.

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