Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Guiding Star

In 1953 Disney released the animated film Peter Pan.  In the movie Tinkerbell, sometimes portrayed as a spot of light, accompanies Peter Pan on his journeys. She is well known for sprinkling her pixie dust.

So for some odd reason the image of Tinkerbell comes to mind as I am reflecting on the Magi following the star of Bethlehem. The Maji came from the East, visited King Herod, who was clueless as to what was happening until their visit. The Magi had been studying the heavens, they had their eyes fixed to the sky. They were scholars, learned men. They were on a journey.

These three wise men were looking up into the night sky. This bright star became their GPS guiding them on their journey to the Christ child whom they were seeking. Seek the Lord and he will be found.

Deut.4:29, "But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul."

Is 55:6 "Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near."

The Three Kings were actively seeking the Lord to bring him their gifts. They are our models for what it means to seek the Lord. It means you must take action. 

Some might say this story of star gazing sounds a little new age...oops we are in the Bible here. And once again a dream is used as the vehicle to deliver a message to God's chosen ones. In this case the dream reveals to the wise men to return home a different way; not to advise Herod of the location of the 'baby'.

When you find the Lord you will be a changed person; you will be convicted to live a different life. A life dedicated to spreading the good news...the saving grace has come down to us.

Another interesting point about this Magi story is what they do when they enter into the presence of Jesus...they prostrate themselves before him. They do not just kneel to give him honor and praise, they lay face down on the ground before him.

It must have surprised Mary and Joseph that these well dressed strangers, who had been led to them by a star would fall to the ground before them without hesitation.

Stars are only visible to us when darkness has covered the sky. How appropriate that this  bright star leads the way to the one who is the Light of the World. In a world covered with so much darkness today we have Jesus to be our bright star. We have Jesus to lead and guide us through his light. Out of darkness light shines brightly.

This original image was a reflection of moonlight on the sea.
This kaleidoscope image captures the light from above shining brightly for us to see.

When you notice the stars of the nighttime sky remember as you seek the Lord; he is your light. Give him your all as the Magi did...lay yourself before him. You too can have your very own Epiphany!

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