Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, January 2, 2012

Pearls of Wisdom

"I Wisdom, dwell with experience, and judicious knowledge I attain." Proverbs 8:12
Wisdom is of divine origin and is often personified as a woman.

Wisdom...what does it really mean?

The Canticle of Sirach says, Happy the man who meditated on wisdom and reflects on knowledge. Wisdom simple yet complex...attainable yet allusive.
Is wisdom reserved for scholars of the time? Can we come to acquire wisdom? The Saints did, but can we? Must we become philosophers? As adults we even grow wisdom teeth which usually end up being extracted, since they crowd the other teeth. We consider our elders to be repositories of societal wisdom.

In the first Letter of Saint John it is written..."As for you, the anointing that you received from him remains in you, so that you do not need anyone to teach you. But his anointing teaches you about everything...remain in him" 1 John 2:27 Does that mean wisdom will come in spite of ourselves?

While wisdom may be difficult to define it is innately recognized by others. Wisdom is a deeper understanding of what really matters.

Famous people like Einstein have been labeled as having great wisdom. Ancient Buddhism is firmly rooted in wisdom. Wisdom is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It seems that we value what wisdom holds for us. We are surrounded by knowledge, google wikipeadia, but wisdom patiently lies in waiting.

Today I pray for a deeper understanding of wisdom to always know the difference.
Ask God to lead you in the path of wisdom toward greater peace and happiness in your life.

I offer this prayer to you written by one of my favorite authors, Joyce Rupp.

A Prayer for Openness
Remember the Holy One is with you. Bring to mind this loving presence within you and around you as you pray the following:
  1. Touch your fingertips to your forehead saying: Open my mind to remember your presence.
  2. Touch your fingertips to your mouth, saying: Open my mouth to speak your wisdom.
  3. Touch your fingertips to your heart, saying: Open my heart to extend your love.
  4. Hold both hands out, open, palms up, saying: Open my hands to serve you generously.
  5. Holding arms wide open, saying: Open my whole being to you.
Make a deep bow to the loving presence in you.

I chose a picture of Hot Air Balloons to create this Kaleidoscope
because wisdom lifts my heart and mind to greater heights.

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