Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Five Smooth Stones

1 Samuel 17:32-33, 37, 40-51

Often when we are familiar with a story from the Bible we tend to not listen as we should. Today's story of David and Goliath is one such story. Even children can tell you all about how David slew the giant with only one stone from his sling shot.

Most kids today, however, have not ever seen a sling shot much less tried to use one and accurately hit a moving target.

Today I came to a new realization about this familiar story.

When David left Saul to battle this 'giant' he refused to take the common battle gear. David had faith that the Lord was with him. David, as we know, selected 5 smooth stones from his shepherd's bag. This is a great lesson...when you go into battle use what you are most familiar with, this is the best plan of action.

We are all faced with situations in our own lives where our faith is challenged. What do we take into the battle? Yes, sometimes it can be a battle. David bravely took 5 stones, to be on the safe side. If today you had to pick 5 statements or actions to defend your beliefs what would you chose?
That is what these stones represent for me today. It is an invitation to look at my individual beliefs. Would I be willing to fight for these beliefs? I honestly cannot say for sure.

What 5 things do I really believe?
I believe God is always with me and that I live and breathe and move through him.
I believe in the Trinity.
I believe in the power of God's love.
I believe in the Eucharist.
I believe all things are possible with him.

Pause here and reflect on your beliefs. Write them down; things written seem to carry more weight.

The story holds another detail I would like to address; the single blow...the stone embedded itself in his (Goliath's) brow. In listening to some conversion stories it always amazes me the number of times the conversion was a direct result of study...knowledge. The intellect was the instrument with which the Holy Spirit was able to reach the person's soul.

David stunned the giant...he did not play around he went straight to the intellect. Goliath had already won the battle in his own mind. He was not prepared for the action David took against him.

Goliath was suffering from a 'hardened heart'. David attacked his intellect instead.

When we are faced with defending our faith it may be wise to come prepared to use the dual approach...heart and mind or intellect. Appeal to the heart, while speaking with knowledge.

This original photo was of a stone path.
This kaliedoscope image represents to me how David, through one stone, found courage
to exercise his Faith in God.

May we too be blessed with such deep Faith.


  1. I'd love to spend a retreat weekend creating and reflecting on my five beliefs!

    Another beautiful and thought-provoking post. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Chris. I agree that spending a weekend reflecting on your own 5 beliefs could be very fruitful.
      So happy you found this post thought provoking.
