Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Burning Within

~~~ Acts of the Apostles 3:1-10 ~~~ Psalm 105 ~~~ 
~~~ Luke 24:13-35 ~~~

“Were not our hearts burning within us
while he spoke to us on the way and 
opened the Scriptures to us?”

These are beautiful words...burning hearts...
on the way...opened the Scriptures...

Jesus tells us that where two or more 
are gathered together he too will be present.

Peter and John were going up to the temple area...
Cleopas and his wife were walking home to Emmaus.

Peter and John come to the 'Beautiful Gate'
for the afternoon prayer time.
A crippled beggar approaches them asking for money.
Peter has no coins to give him,
but he does have within his body a burning heart.
His heart was so full of Jesus that 
he was blessed to heal.

Peter gave this man the gift 
of healing at the 'Beautiful Gate'
because his heart was burning.

We may not have the gift of healing,
 but I hope your heart is burning.
Every time we read or hear the Scriptures
our hearts should also be burning.
These words are our connection to Jesus himself.

Once again Jesus asks the obvious question to Cleopas...
'What are you talking about?'
I imagine they are startled from their deep 
conversation and grief.

Where has this stranger been?
The more Jesus speaks to them about his own history and life,
the more they are drawn to listen more intently.

They are so mesmerized that they do not want this
 'stranger' to leave, so they offer him hospitality.

But they urged him, “Stay with us,
for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over.”

This desire to hold on the Jesus can happen to us too.
When we have an intimate encounter with Jesus...
that burning within our heart...
we do not want it to end.

We want these 'feelings' of the presence
of God to remain with us.
We soon learn that we cannot keep
the feelings alive for ever...
just as Cleopas could not
 keep Jesus in their home.

Jesus stays with us just long enough 
to make his presence felt,
but then he vanishes 
leaving within our heart a burning.

"But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel."

Cleopas and many others had their own idea of who Jesus would be;
we do the same thing.
We put our personal hopes in what we want 
Jesus to mean for ourselves.

He always fulfills our hopes
with his more superb plan for our life.

When we stand before the 
"Beautiful Gate"
know that God stands beside you.
He speaks to you and reveals himself through the Scriptures.

Blessed to have within a burning heart.
Let your Alleluias fan the flames.
Let the Light of Christ shine brightly
 for those with you on the road.

~~~Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia! ~~~
He is Risen!

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