Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Along the Bank of the River

~~~ Ezekiel 47:1-9, 12 ~~~ Psalm 46 ~~~ John 5:1-16 ~~~

Water seems to be the focus for both readings today.

The prophet Ezekiel tells of being led deeper 
and deeper into the water.
The angel coaxes him to keep walking into the water 
with each step it rises around him...
first ankle deep, then knee deep, waist deep
until it is too deep to keep walking.

 ...the water had risen so high it had become a river
that could not be crossed except by swimming.

There is no nearby bridge to cross this river.
The angel guides him to sit on the river bank 
where the richness and abundance of God is revealed.

Everywhere this water flows beauty and life flourish.
It is a perfect picture of God's goodness.
Stopping to sit alongside the river gives the angel 
a chance to spotlight all that is good because 
of the flowing water...the rising waters.

It would be good for us to also stop and rest 
awhile in the goodness of God.
When the waters of life are rising all around us...
When we want to escape...
When we fear death by drowning is eminent...
pause for a moment, let the serenity of God calm your soul. 

God is in its midst; it shall not be disturbed...

Jesus passes by the crippled man sitting near the pool of healing water.
Jesus has noticed him on previous occasions, but
today Jesus initiates conversation with this man.

“Do you want to be well?”

The answer might seem obvious to us but does this man
truly want to be healed or is he resigned
to remain a victim of his illness.

Jesus' question invites this man to claim his healing.
The moment he decides to claim his healing 
he is able to pick up his mat and walk away.

At first the man thought to be healed 
he had to first get into the pool of water.

Then he brought me to the bank of the river, 
where he had me sit.
Along the bank of the river
 I saw very many trees on both sides.

What this man realized was that his desire 
needed to be aligned with the desire 
Jesus had for him to be healed.

Jesus healed this man on the Sabbath which 
was technically forbidden.
According to Jewish law
 one is not allowed to 'work' on that day.

Healing and carrying a mat were in effect breaking the law.
When are you most likely to extend joy to another?

Why would something so important as healing 
a person not be allowed?
This man no longer needed to remain near the pool.
Now he could take his only belonging, his mat,
and go back to his home.

Jesus is near to all those who are in need of his healing.

Jesus is here for you in your time of distress.

He blesses us every day.

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