Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, March 21, 2016

Dinner Party Pedicure

~~~ Isaiah 42:1-7 ~~~ Psalm 27 ~~~ John 12:1-11 ~~~

The Lord is my light and my salvation.

The feast of Passover was just six days after 
Jesus called Lazarus from death.
They both attended a dinner honoring Jesus.

People were curious about the raising of Lazarus.
Many of the disciples of Jesus were
 in attendance including Judas.

During the meal a woman named Mary
 came to the feet of Jesus with her jar perfumed oil.
She generously emptied the entire liter of this 
precious oil over the feet of Jesus.
She did not hold back for herself one ounce.

Amid the disapproving words of Judas she 
dried his feet with her hair.

“Why was this oil not sold for three hundred days’ wages
and given to the poor?”

Judas had become so familiar with Jesus
 that he could no longer see him as the Messiah.

He thought it foolish for expensive oil
 to be 'wasted' on the feet of Jesus.

Why would this woman perform such a bizarre action?
Why would she feel the feet of Jesus were 
more important than his head? 

For Judas, was it the wasting of the oil or 
the fact that it was poured over feet of Jesus?
The scriptures indicate that he was concerned 
about the monetary value of the oil.

Jesus viewed the whole scene very
 connected to his death.

So Jesus said, “Leave her alone.
Let her keep this for the day of my burial.

After death the body is anointed with fragrant oils.
Jesus was able to experience the sweet fragrance of the oil.
He was able to experience the feeling of Mary
 tenderly caressing his feet. 

Mary gave Jesus the ultimate pedicure.
A pedicure for Jesus; can you picture such a sight?

Jesus was able to experience the pleasure 
of having his tired calloused dirty feet 
treated with loving care.

Mary emptied herself of any pretentiousness,
 with all concern for cleanliness.
She took her most prized possession, 
her hair, to dry his feet.

Which of your prized possessions 
are you willing to give to God?

What are you ready to give to him?
Is it something of great value?
Is it something you can live without?
Is it something you too much of today?

Do you feel Mary made a sacrifice?

Here is my servant whom I uphold,
my chosen one with whom I am pleased...

It is clear that Jesus was pleased 
with the actions of Mary.
It is also clear that he was 
not pleased with the attitude of Judas.

Where would you rather find yourself?

Today we are invited to come to the feet of Jesus.
Today we are invited to pour out the best 
of ourselves that we have to offer.

Be Blessed as you consider each 
aspect of this dinner party.


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