Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Body of Evidence

~~~ Acts of the Apostles 3:11-26 ~~~ Psalm 8 ~~~
~~~ Luke 24:35-48 ~~~

Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself.
Touch me and see, because a ghost does not 
have flesh and bones as you can see I have.

Is is not surprising that the disciples 
would be afraid by the appearance of the Risen Jesus.
We do not believe our own eyes when we 
witness something that seems impossible.

Those who loved Jesus saw his brutal crucifixion and death.
Yes, he did tell them that on the third day he 
would be raised from the dead,
but they did not understand the meaning.

When he appears to them at first
 they believe they are seeing a ghost.
There had been some other witnesses but still
 they were reluctant to believe.

It seems the burden of proof was on Jesus.
And so he makes several post Resurrection appearances.
He wants them to have the first hand knowledge
 that he really was back.

Jesus testifies on his own behalf.
His own body is the evidence he offers to his friends.

Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.

Jesus opened their minds and hearts to 
understand his previous words.

Jesus is his own defense attorney...
Jesus gives his own testimony...
Jesus gives his evidence...
Jesus stands before them as proof.

His glorified body still bears the nail marks.
His glorified body still reveals the mark of the lance.

And for those who were still skeptical
he eats a piece of baked fish.

Now they all believe because a ghost cannot eat food.

Touch me and see...

Jesus goes out of his way to convince
 them he really was raised from the dead.
He really did conquer death...

If he can break the chains of death
 then forgiving the sins of the whole world is possible.
Dying from life as we know it seems very

Jesus has a message for all of us...
he has overcome death so that he can bring us to heaven.
He wants us to be with him for all of eternity.

Death is not final...
death is a shift in perceived reality.
Jesus was no magician.
He was not trying to fool the disciples with an illusion.

He was there with them.
They could see him, hear him, feel him, 
talk with him, and share their food with him.
They could finally experience the great
 truth of his promise.

While they were still incredulous for joy
 and were amazed...

He is just as real today.
He is just as present today.
He is just as alive today.

Come close enough to touch and see
 the marks on his body.
He will Bless you with
 an opened mind to better understand.

~~~ Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia! ~~~
“Peace be with you.”

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