Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, March 3, 2016

How is Your Heart?

~~~ Jeremiah 7:23-28 ~~~ Psalm 95 ~~~ Luke 11:14-23 ~~~

We often act as if we d'not understand the message of scripture,
but the truth is we have permanently implanted ear plugs.
We have spiritual ear plugs that block us from
hearing the Words that are spoken to us.

These ear plugs are so efficient that they
are capable of even deafening our hearts.

If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.

How can we possibly hear his voice unless
we remove the ear plugs?
But first we must admit that our ear plugs exist.

It is critical that we remove the ear plugs.
If you clear your ears in order to hear more clearly
then you may just discover how much Jesus has done for you.

Why would you turn your back
 to the one who has done so much for you?
How could you walk away;
unless you have deafened yourself?

This is the nation that does not listen
to the voice of the LORD, its God,
or take correction.
Faithfulness has disappeared;
the word itself is banished from their speech.

These are harsh words...
God says we don't take correction, not even from him.

He accuses us of no longer being faithful.

But the crushing blow comes when we are convicted
of banishing his word from our speech.
Today I invite you to turn to scripture
 for every situation in your life.

We have a God who comes down to dwell with us.
A God who remains with us even when
we turn and walk the other way.
We have a God who wants us to listen for his voice.
A God who wants us to let his words soften our hearts.

A soft heart is pliable...a soft heart is more apt
 to have a greater capacity to love.
A hard heart is not capable of being anything more.
A hard heart is frozen in time forever.
A hard heart is as cold as stone.
A hard heart can have no mercy or compassion.

So the question for us is;
what kind of heart do you want to have?

Whoever is not with me is against me,
and whoever does not gather with me scatters.

Can you do this if you remain deaf with a hard heart?
I am guessing the answer must be 'no'.

Blessings come in hearing with a softened heart.


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