Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, September 12, 2014

Our Personal Trainer

~~~ 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22B-27 ~~~ Psalm 84 ~~~ Luke 6:39-42 ~~~

Blessed the men whose strength you are!
their hearts are set upon the pilgrimage.

a religious journey, expedition, crusade.

This is the real deal.
One minute we are in the stands cheering;
the next minute we down on the field running.
 no reason for me to boast...
We are not practicing...we are not just shadow boxing
we are participating in real time.

I have become all things to all, to save at least some.

We are not weak. We gather our strength from the Lord...
the giver of all gifts...the one who supplies the necessary stamina.
We are either sitting in the stands cheering or
we are down on the field as participants.
This stadium never closes...the lights do not dim.
The training is ongoing day after day.
The prize of eternal life ever present in our hearts, minds, and bodies.
We consistently improve the more dedicated we become.
Nothing is done in all has purpose.

We are on the pilgrimage of our life....
the pilgrimage for our life...
our life with God in heaven.
We are in the arena along with every other believer.

...grace and glory he bestows;
The LORD withholds no good thing
from those who walk in sincerity. 

The glory of heaven will be ours when our goal is reached.
Until our race is finished the stadium manager, God,
withholds nothing from us.
He gives everything we need. He is the best trainer.
He is our personal trainer.
How can we possibly not succeed?

We are Blessed with purpose...
we do not run aimlessly...
we do not run alone.

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