Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, September 4, 2014

One More Time

~~~ 1 Corinthians 3:18-23 ~~~ Psalm 24 ~~~ Luke 5:1-11 ~~~

...let no one boast about human beings, for everything belongs to you...
...all belong to you, and you to Christ, and Christ to God.

Paul is establishing the correct hierarchy of our existence.
Humans are not in the position to be taking credit
for those things which matter the most...
the world, life, death, the future.
We are not privy to the knowledge of such things.

We do not need to give praise and glory to other fellow humans,
because all belongs to you because you belong to God.

Complicated and humbling packaged together.
Streamlined by knowing the truth.
What is the truth?
The truth is we cannot take credit for anything.
It is all about God.
It always has been and always will be about God.
The Corinthians were fooling themselves.
They were being too impressed by mortal humans.
Paul needs them to look beyond.
Paul wants them to see the one who really is responsible.
Paul wants them to see God as the source.

To the Lord belongs the earth and all that fills it.

Peter has been fishing all day and his nets are empty.
In his wisdom based on his years of fishing experience, Peter determines
 it is time to come ashore for the day.
Jesus, on the other hand, sees this decision as foolishness
 and instructs the crew to go back out and cast
their nets into the sea one more time.
Peter says okay, Jesus, whatever you say.
Just because you are Jesus.
Peter was probably thinking it was foolish
 not to mention a waste of time.

In obedience the nest was cast and to their
 amazement they could not keep the fish from coming.
The net filled almost beyond its breaking point.
Every thread was stretched to its full capacity...such foolishness.

We are invited to go beyond what our years of wisdom tells us.
We have a God that loves to surprise us.
We have a God that wants us to work together with him.

Peter threw out his net and God provided the abundant catch.
With God there is always more.
He keeps on giving encouraging
us to think on a larger scale.

He has given us everything. We belong to him.
Blessings in throwing out the net.

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