Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Will You 'Sync' With Jesus?

~~~Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~~~
~~Zechariah 12:10-11; 13:1~~Psalm 63~~Gal 3:26-29~~Luke 9:18-24~~
Jesus gets personal today with not only Peter but each of us.
'...who do you say that I am?'
This is the question we must answer for ourselves.
Jesus wants a direct answer not a string of empty words grouped together.
Jesus wants us to look at his face and speak to him.
Some will quickly claim Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Jesus goes on telling Peter what the future holds for him...
suffering, rebuke, death, and finally resurrection.
Those who confess belief in Jesus will also endure suffering and hardships.
"If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself
and take up his cross daily and follow me."
Following Jesus is not like belonging to some elite country club.
Following Jesus is not a life of lounging around the pool sipping mint juleps.
Following Jesus is not sailing off to an exotic paradise island.
If you want to follow Jesus you must synchronize your life with his.
Now days in this age of technology we hear about 'syncing'
our data from one device to another.
With Jesus it is not quite as easy.
We cannot just tap our phones together.
Syncing your life to the life of Jesus requires pain and suffering.
It requires taking up your cross daily.
When you reflect on the question 
who do you say that I am
you may be somewhat reluctant to answer.
You may instead want to shy away from responding;
lest you must also accept the accompanying cross of suffering.
St. Paul tells us we are all one in Christ through our Baptism.
We are one with Christ,
 we are united with him in his suffering too.
Are you willing to 'sync' your life with Jesus?
Blessings are in your personal answer...
Who do YOU say that Jesus is?

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