Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Can You Let Go?

~~~ 2 Corinthians 5:14-21~~~ Psalm 103 ~~~ Matthew 5:33-37 ~~~
So whoever is in Christ is a new creation:
the old things have passed away...
Perhaps this is why some refer to becoming Christian as being born again.
If we live our life in and for Christ we are putting aside our old selfish ways.
If we are to be a part of this 'new creation' then we too must be changed.
What are the old things that must pass away?
How do we identify the old things?
How do we slough them off?
How can we leave them behind; they represent our areas of comfort.
Do you really want to be a new creation?
There is something soothing about the tried and true...the old.
...given us the ministry of reconciliation...
Part of the new creation is our ministry of reconciliation.
Reconciling our differences with another person
removes the burrs from your heart.
Reconciling differences with another does not mean that you are the patsy
 who caves in to confrontation.
Reconciling promotes progress and good will. toward others.
When we do not reconcile our differences
we cannot possibly be included in the new creation.
Instead we are part of the stagnant waters of creation.
Reconciliation encourages spiritual growth and development.
Christ gave us this ministry of reconciliation
because it goes against human nature.
We are firmly attached to our feelings and beliefs
about things in our life.
Reconciliation must come from a firm desire deep within our heart.
So we are ambassadors for Christ,
as if God were appealing through us.
One of the best ways that we can be genuine ambassadors for Christ
may be precisely through our ability to practice
 the ministry of reconciliation.
I say practice because it does take practice
before it comes part of who we are.
We have a merciful God who sent his beloved son,
Jesus, to prove the importance of reconciliation.
Jesus was a living example of reconciliation right up until his last breath
hanging on the cross.
In our society today we give too little emphasis on reconciling our differences...
just consider our high rate of crimes and our divorce rate.
It is much easier to walk away rather than come to an agreement
on neutral or middle ground.
You are called to be an Ambassador for Christ.
The blessings in return are abundant.

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