Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Saved by the Light

The Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul
~~Acts of the Apostles 12:1-11 ~~Psalm 34~~2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18~~Matthew 16:13-19~~

'...prayer by the Church was fervently being made
to God on his behalf.'
Peter and Paul both saw the was freed from physical chains
the other was physically blinded by the light.
Peter was imprisoned, shackled and guarded by soldiers on each side. 
There were additional guards outside.
There is no way Peter was going to escape from this prison.
Only by the grace of God and his angels is Peter released from his chains.
Even though the presence of the angels filled the cell
with light Peter did not wake up.
How many times have I 'slept' through a situation 
that was filling the space with light?
God's light streams into my soul and yet I still can miss it.
Prayer has power...
keep prayer on your lips and in your heart. 
Why is it that I am not able to identify the source of the light?
The angel of the Lord actually tapped Peter on the shoulder an told him to get up.
How I long for the angel of the Lord to come and tap me on the shoulder
with a direct message from God.
The gates opened so Peter could safely escape to safety.
Paul's eyes were opened so that he could see his new calling in life.
Both Peter and Paul give us beautiful and strong examples
of how much they loved the Lord.
Paul changes from persecuting Christians to being 
 a fervent proclaimer of the way of the Lord.  
Peter openly confesses his love for Jesus;
with all of his human short comings.
These two saints made the ultimate sacrifice
for their love of Jesus.
'...who do you say that I am?'
They answered the question with the pouring out of their blood.
They both finished the race and kept the faith.
They kept the faith for us.
Ultimately we each must answer the same question.
At the end of my life
 I want to be able to look into the eyes of Our Lord
 and hear the words,
' beloved daughter, you have
finished the have kept the faith well.'
Blessings come in light from God.

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