Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Seasoned and Shining

~~~ Acts of the Apostles 11:21b-26; 12:1-3 ~~~ Psalm 98 ~~~ Matthew 5:13-16 ~~~
It is curious that Jesus would speak of salt and light in these few short verses.
He could have easily spent more time elaborating on either topic.
As humans we cannot live without salt or light.
They are both equally important.
For the early followers they were very important.
Salt was a commodity.
It was used in many different ways including to seal deals between individuals.
Once their salt was mixed the deal was finalized.
Having no refrigeration, salt preserved foods from spoilage.
'...You are the salt of the earth...'
Today we really like the taste of salt on our foods.
Most of the snack foods on the market have a heavy dousing of salt.
We miss salt when it is omitted from a recipe.
Just a pinch of salt can bring balance to a recipe, even a dessert recipe.
'...You are the light of the world...'
Light; what can we possibly say about light
except that without light there would be no life.
One tiny match or a dying ember can ignite and entire forest.
In recent years we have seen countless forest fires
devouring our trees and homes as if they were a consumable product.
The power of light from any source can be harnessed for life or death.
Today Jesus is bringing to our attention that we are light in this world of so much darkness.
We can be that tiny match or even the barely glowing ember.
It takes very little for light to crack the darkness.
In the darkness our eyes search for the least little glimmer of light.
We are attracted to light.
If you truly love Jesus; it will be impossible to hide your light from others.
Not a bushel or any other object can keep the light from escaping.
Your eyes themselves shine with the love and joy you have for the Lord.
'...your light must shine before others...'
 Jesus is inviting us to be both salt and light to this world we live in
We can spread the gospel message.
For some it may be just the right sprinkling of salt,
for others it may be the light they have been searching for in their life.
You can be salt and or light to others in your life.
God is at work in you!
In a world full of darkness, should we not be part of the light?

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