Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Grace to Bear Fruit

~~~ Ephesians 4: 7-16 ~~~ Psalm 122 ~~~ Luke 13: 1-91 ~~~
"Grace was given to each of us..."
Grace is God's life within us.
If we have God alive within our heart
then we are much better prepared
to be active participants in the
"...building up the Body of Christ..."
If we have God within it is so much easier to live an authentic life.
" the truth in love..."
If we have God within we will
"...grow in every way into him, Christ..." 
I invite you to pray for the grace necessary
for you to grow....for growth in areas and in ways you are unaware.
The master walks through his orchard and observes
the three year old fig tree that has not yet produced fruit.
It was typical that by now it should have produced plump juicy figs.
Instead of cutting it down as the master requests the gardener
pleas to allow him more time to care for the fig tree
so that is might bear fruit.
Sometimes we too need a friend to intercede for us.
Someone to give us more guidance.
Someone to believe in us even if we are lost and confused.
Sometimes we may be the one who can give another person hope.
The gardener could have justifiably cut down the fig tree.
It was taking a place in the orchard and not yielding fruit.
I think this gospel causes us to consider patience in our lives.
It is easy to become impatient with ourselves.
We may even become impatient with God.
Patience is not always easy,
but waiting may be just what is best at the time.
What in your life is challenging your patience?
How can you make good use of this time of waiting?
Are you cultivating the ground?
Are you fertilizing your heart?

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