Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Designer Frauds

~~~ Galatians 5:1-6 ~~~ Psalm 119 ~~~ Luke 11: 37-41 ~~~
When we are living meticulously by the law alone we are just fooling ourselves.
The law governs your external attitude.
The law prescribes certain procedures to be carried out at specific times.
The law may restrict the the inner spirit.
Jesus came, not to abolish the law, but to expand the view of law.
Jesus knew that even if you followed the law exactly
you were not necessarily a model or holy person.
Following the law may just be a matter of going
through the prescribed actions.
The presence of Jesus leave those around him perplexed
as he challenges their understanding of the laws.
Strictly living within the confines of the law can be deceiving.
Jesus often found himself delivering
his message outside the boundaries of the law.
We can sometimes become so caught up in the
'outside of the cup' that we overlook
what is happening inside the cup.
The outside of our cup may not be who we really are inside.
Jesus says to the Pharisees
"...Did not the maker of the outside also make the inside?"
Why are you spending so much time on the outside...
the external appearances?
Do you not know that the maker of the cup also
intimately knows the inside of the cup?
Washing the hands is not symbolic of ones internal cleansing.
Outward appearances can be deceiving.
Underneath the external facade there can be a host of maggots and decay.
Just because you may dress well or drive a fancy car or
 live in an expensive home; none of these things may represent
what lives inside your heart.
Today Jesus is saying pay more attention to your internal intentions
and less about the external ritual laws.
Today Jesus is saying even if you go through all of the prescribed laws
and your heart is not in the proper place
you are a fraud.
Several years ago I was introduced to a place
where you could purchase 'designer' handbags at a greatly reduced price.
Apparently if you knew the right thing to ask the sales clerk
you gained access to the 'special' room.
Little did I know at the time that this 'special' room
containing the 'designer' products was illegal.
All of the products were frauds.
All were rip offs of the real thing.
All were copies made to look like the actual designer handbag
to the unsuspecting buyer.
To the untrained eye you could not tell the difference.
I think this is exactly what Jesus is warning us about today.
Are you a true disciple of his or are you just going through the motions?
In other words, are you really a good imitation...a fraud?
Don't be offended by these words just examine your own heart.
Just be honest with your self.
Only you and God know the truth.
It really does not matter what anyone else sees or thinks.
Above all of the laws and rules there is only one thing that matters in the end.
Have you been true to your call to love others...
not only as you love yourself,
but more importantly as God has loved you?
You see what really matters is the
'inside of the cup'.
One spec left inside the cup can contaminate the whole contents.
It is time to focus on the inside of the cup.
Sometimes Jesus did not follow the prescribed laws
in order to make his point.

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