Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, October 13, 2012

First You Must Hear

~~~ Galatians 3: 22-29 ~~~ Psalm 105 ~~~ Luke 11: 27-28 ~~~
The woman in the crowd was chanting praises to Mary the mother of Jesus
 for giving birth to such a man.
But Jesus is calling us to consider something more.
Mary gave Jesus his flesh and blood.
Part of her essence was used to give him his human body.
But this was only possible because she, Mary, heard the word of God.
The birth of Jesus was possible because Mary heard and she accepted.
"...blessed are those
who hear the word of God and observe it."
Jesus offers each of us the opportunity to hear the word of God and observe it.
We have Mary as a wonderful example of what that might look like.
Certainly we will not ever be the chosen to be the mother of God,
but there are many chances for us to hear and act.
Because the Word became flesh to dwell among us we have been given
the gift of faith.
If we hear the word and receive faith
we too share in the promises made to Abraham. 
Unless we hear the word of God how can we be saved?
In order to live a full life of faith we must immerse
your selves in the word of God.
Where do we find his words?
Of course you know...
in the Bible.
"...through faith you are all children of God in Christ Jesus."
Baptism brings you into the shared life with Christ.
As part of this shared life you also share in the promises
and blessings passed down through the ages.
Protect and nuture your faith for it is a precious gem.

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