Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Plot to Destroy the 'Tree'

 ~~~ Jeremiah11: 18-20 ~~~ Psalm 7 ~~~ John 7: 40-53 ~~~

Some years ago (1989) in Austin someone plotted and executed an attempt to kill the Treaty Oak Tree. This historic tree is believed to be over 500 years old. The only tree left standing from a grove of 14 trees known as the Council Oaks. In 1927 the American Forestry Association proclaimed, "The most perfect specimen of a North American Tree".

This tree came to mind as I read from the prophet Jeremiah, "Let us destroy the tree in its vigor; let us cut him off from the land of the living, so that his name will be spoken no more." This verse is prophesying about Jesus, we now understand, the one who tried to kill the Treaty Oak was trying to terminate it's sut it off from the land of the living. 

As Holy Week gets ever closer we have readings highlighting the seriousness of the final verdict to condemn Jesus. The psalmist even cries out, "Let the malice of the wicked come to an end, but sustain the just...".

It took money, work, and dedication to save the Treaty Oak. A huge portion of the top of the tree was lost as a result of the evil poisoning. It took years of patience and dedication to sustain this tree and revive it. Eight years later it once again had the strength to produce its acorns.

As Jesus moved about speaking the crowds began to believe the he truly was the 'Prophet' and others were still not sure. They were caught up on where Jesus had come from and from whose lineage he descended.  "...but no one laid hands on him."

Each day we are being brought ever closer to the Passion of Our Lord. Where do you stand...with the confused crowd or beside Jesus in the land of the living?

Wherever goodness abounds dissension is surely to rear its ugly head. The crowd listening to Jesus was becoming more and more agitated. They were struggling within themselves. They were at odds with their own conscience. They were looking for an escape from their own doubts. Was this Jesus too good to be true? Are they just jumping to conclusions without looking at the real facts? Are they seeing only what they want to see...their own sinful unworthiness?

It is within your possession the ability to spread among those you encounter little seeds of the immense love of Jesus. Look inside your heart for those 'acorns' produced in you through faith in the One who saves...
 Release them to be carried into the heart of there take root.

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