Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, March 30, 2012

Cling to God's Strength

Jeremiah 20: 10-13 ~~~ Psalm 18 ~~~ John 10: 31-42

Tucked in between Jeremiah and John, today we have the vivid eighteenth Psalm.
This psalm is life the calm in the middle of a swirling storm. We hear of evil plots to denounce and entrap Jesus. Then in John we hear of those who pick up rocks ready to stone Jesus to death. Jesus is accused of blasphemy; one of the worst offenses against God. St. Thomas Aquinas believed blasphemy to be a more serious offense than murder.

In Leviticus 14: 16 it clearly stated that one who blasphemies shall be put to death.
So by making this accusation against Jesus they were therefore justifying their right to kill him by stoning.

Amidst this gloom we have the strength, beauty, and hope of pslam 18. The psalmist gives concrete images so that there is no doubt or confusion as to the powers of God.
In the excerpt we are given a few of these visuals:
There are fifty-one verses in this psalm. Each verse offers more insight into the almighty God.

The imagery continues...
parted the heavens...thundered from heaven...shot lightning bolts...
God parts the sea and in what seems like a hopeless situation,
"...He reached down from on high and seized me; drew me out of the waters....rescued me because he loves me..."

As a young boy, Jesus would have learned this psalm. This psalm brought him strength in God the Father. Jesus knew that God the Father was with him even in his human form of a man.

Take time today read psalm 18 and visualize how God is there with you. It does not matter how distraught you may feel cling to these images of God's power and strength.
Just take a single image for one day and make it your own. Pray it throughout your day. Perhaps the shield image; a shield is held in your hand so you can move it around to protect yourself from many angles. So no matter where you feel an attack coming from you can hold the shield of God as a deflector.

There is nothing stronger than God's love for us. This is exactly why he gives us these images of sttrength...his love. He will give us every opportunity to put our trust in him no matter what.
He is our Rock of strength and power.
In our time of distress, He will lift us up unto himself.

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