Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, March 12, 2012

Do You Want to be Healed?

~~~ 2 Kings 5: 1-15 ~~~ Psalm 42-43 ~~~ Luke 4: 24-30 ~~~

Why do we question God's will?
Children are forever asking 'why' they have to obey or to follow directions. But the truth be told adults are much the same way. I find that I am often questioning why this or why that. We do not see the reasons for doing something a certain way or at a certain time.

Today in the second book of Kings we find Naaman asking this very question; 'Why?'
Why is it necessary for him to bathe in a specific river namely the river Jordan?
Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River. It flows down into the Sea of Galilee. The Dead Sea is the final resting place for this flow of water.
Today the waters of the Jordan River are a major point of division among the neighboring peoples of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinians.

In ancient times the River Jordan was viewed as a source of fertility.
It is said to be the 'Garden of God'.

At the time, Naaman did not know the importance of the Jordan River, but the prophet Elisha had the insight to send him there to be cured. Naaman had the terrible disease of leprosy, a dread disease which kept the person by law separated from the rest of society. The concern of a little slave child for her master prompted him to seek healing from the prophet, Elisha.

The faith of a child is pure and sincere. The innocence of our childhood is mostly a mere anomaly of our past. God was at work here though or this child would not have been given any attention or taken seriously.

The initial petition for healing was presented to the wrong person; the king of Israel, since he was not the one who could prophesy he misinterpreted the request. How many times do we make our requests known to the wrong person. We place our trust in things of the world hoping they will bring us the happiness we are seeking.

Finally Naaman arrives at the door of Elisha where he is told to wash not once but seven times in the Jordan River. His first reaction was to leave in anger thinking this prescription for healing was absurd. He does not consider this river to be of any special significance.

The number seven is one of the most significant numbers in the Bible. Most importantly the number seven represents wholeness and completeness.

The healing and cleansing of Naaman's body only occurs when he is obedient to the words of the prophet. We too can only be healed of our sins and cleansed of guilt by being obedient to the words of God. By living our life as he modeled for us loving and forgiving others. Spreading peace and compassion along the way.

We must leave the comfort zone of what is familiar to be healed. Elisha was in Israel and Naaman came from Syria. Our comfort zone may be our own mind set and beliefs about the healing power of God.
Jesus came to heal our souls; to make us whole and complete in him. For it is only in God that we can attain complete wholeness.
Dip into the healing river of living water and renew your life in Christ.

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