Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, February 27, 2012

Your Personal Mosaic of Holy

~~~ Leviticus 19: 1-2, 11-18 ~~~ Psalm 19 ~~~ Matt. 25: 31-46 ~~~

I am sure you have all seen one of those photo mosaics. A photo mosaic is a one large image made out of hundreds and thousands of tiny images collected from several sources. They have software programs now that will take your images and arrange them for you into a specific picture. The beauty of a photo mosaic is that are only able to appreciate the image when you step back away. If you are too close it is harder to see the larger image because the eyes want to pick out the individual pictures.

This is how I see today's gospel as one large photo mosaic of Jesus. Every time we feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit an imprisoned, or do anything for a person in need we are adding a tiny snap shot to the photo file. This file collects pictures as we go through life. We do not select the pictures for this folder. The criteria is predetermined for our advantage. We may not even be aware when a photo gets dropped into this special folder.

'...whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine you did for me.'

At the end of our life, when we stand before God our photo mosaic will be revealed to us. The compilation of the tiny photos of good that we did for another will be arranged into our own personal picture of God. The tiniest pictures when carefully placed together with the others will depict how each of us proclaimed the word of God with our actions.

'...whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine you did for me.'

This will be your unique picture of God, no two will look alike. No two will look alike because while you may engage in the same good deeds as another; God alone can look into your heart and see your real intention.

I can just envision some of the magnificent stained glass windows I have seen of Jesus, Mary, God, the Holy Spirit, and much more. I would hope to be creating a photo mosaic of similar color, beauty, and design.

In the Leviticus reading today Moses is sharing with the people a message from God. This message to 'Be Holy, for I, the Lord, your God, am holy' fits nicely with my analogy of collecting life images of good. If we have the desire to be holy then it follows that we will be more conscious of our actions. If you are living a life striving to be holy your perspective on situations will change. As this perspective changes you begin to see things in a more Godly way. When you see things in a more Godly way your actions will follow. When your actions follow more tiny pictures will be tucked away into your special photo folder. Tucked away to later reveal your glorious photo mosaic of the Divine.

'...whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine you did for me.'

As we strive during Lent to be a better person, keep in mind God sees all. He will use, for your benefit, even the smallest thing you do to bring glory to him. You are creating your personal mosaic of your personal God through what you do for others.

What do you want your mosaic to look like? How many 'pictures' will it take to create the picture you want God to see?

The whole picture will not come into focus until the end of your life.
There is no limit to how many pictures can be included into your photo mosaic file.
In the end God will arrange them into something beautiful and holy.
He is the most creative designer,

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