Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Let's Make a Deal

~~~ Dt. 30: 15-20 ~~~ Psalm 1 ~~~ Luke 9: 22-25 ~~~

Have you ever seen the popular television game show Let's Make a Deal? Monty Hall would come out on the stage and the audience would go wild with excitement. Everyone wanted to be chosen to come up on the stage to make the deal of their life.

How the game works: contestants are asked to choose one of three doors. Behind one is a fabulous prize! Behind the others are gag gifts. When you choose a door, the game show host shows you a gag gift behind one of the two doors not chosen. You are given the option of switching to the one remaining door or staying with your original choice. Which is the better strategy: switch or stay?

Moses clutches the Commandment Tablets close to his chest.
"Today I have set before you life and prosperity, death and doom."
He comes down the mountain with a profound message written in stone. How does he get the people to listen? He uses the game show appreoach. He appeals to their desire to live. He says look guys if you follow these 10 rules and walk in his ways you will live...grow numerous...and God will bless you. Moses wanted his people to be on the good side of God,
but he knows they must make the choice.

Which do you choose he asks?

Then Moses reveals what's behind the less desirable door...
If you do not listen to me and 'turn away your hearts' you will not live.
If you 'adore and serve other gods' you will perish.
Moses knew he needed to stop the people from getting impatient and making the wrong choices.
He also knew they were growing weary in the desert.

They were more than ready to choose life or death. They were already anxious from their long journey. Moses himself realized his life would soon come to an end. He felt the urgency to convince the people to choose wisely. His desire for them is the same as God's...he wants them to choose life.

 Moses is saying come on guys take responsibility for your future. I have laid it before you. Do you want to prosper? Do you want to have a full life filled with blessings. Or do you want to go down the path of unfaithfullness cursing all the way?

It is up to you. He pleads for them to make the right decision by choosing life. Choosing life does not mean your days will be easy; but it does mean God will keep his promises. You will be delivered to 'the land that the Lord swore he would give your fathers Abraham, Issac, and Jacob.'

If you choose life, psalm 1 says, you will be like a tree planted near running water. God will provide for your needs. Beside running water life is abundant, plentiful, and fruitful there.

Jesus comes on the scene and adds a new dimension to the meaning of choosing life. He says if you want to save this life you have chosen you must do one more thing. Daily deny yourself; give up your self-centered ways. Take up your cross and follow me. If you do these things you will understand that to live you must die to your old selfish ways.

Go forward from this day choosing life through self denial. Choose to accept all things as blessings in your life. Embrace the cross for it is the only way to have life...that is Life Everlasting.

The way of the cross is the way to Everlasting Life.
During this Lenten season review your choices. Do they reflect you desire to have life in the Lord?

During Lent each photo used will be taken at Prince of Peace of either a crucifix or a cross.
I chose this kaleidoscope image: I see the brown of the cross, the blue of the water, the center flower of life, and the grey edges of the tablets held by Moses.

Choose the 'door' with life and you will have life abundantly.

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