Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Paralysis is Not Just Physical

~~~ Isaiah 43: 18-19, 21-22, 24b-25 ~~~ Psalm 41~~~ 2Cor. 1: 18-22 ~~~ Mark 2: 1-12 ~~~

I know what it feels like to be paralyzed. It is frightening for your brain to be sending the message to move your legs, but the legs do not respond. When I four years old I contracted polio. The medical professionals had not determined how the disease was caught. Everyone was afraid. People did not want to mingle with others. People tried to isolate themselves in hopes of staying healthy.

Paralysis is a loss of muscle function in one part of your body; for me it was mostly the legs.
Probably the most famous person we know that became paralyzed was Christopher Reeves; better known as Superman. His paralysis was the result of a spinal cord injury. Some people become paralyzed following a stroke; as a result of compromised blood flow.

Bells Palsy is a paralysis of the face, which while not life threatening, greatly distraughts the patient. Our  physical appearance is important to us, so if part of your face is frozen with paralysis it is devastating.Today the women that use a popular facial injection are basically inducing paralysis of the facial muscles through a drug. Creating the effect that their wrinkles have diminished or even disappeared.

I had a physical paralysis, but that is not the only type.
There can be paralysis of the emotions and of the will.

The paralytic in today's gospel cannot walk otherwise his friends would not be carrrying him on his mat. He may have also suffered from paralysis of the heart until that day. Maybe he never expected to see the one he had heard about...The one who could heal. Maybe his paralysis had managed to overcome his heart, mind , and soul. But his freinds refused to let his paralysis be an excuse. I think those who suffer with depression have a kind of paralysis. It is not unusual when a person is depressed to not even get out of bed or care about eating.

You can suffer with paralysis of the spirit. If you are trapped in an addiction of alcohol, drugs, gambling, or pornography you are paralyzed to help yourself. People can be paralyzed by fear. They cannot escape from the danger because they cannot move. An extreme paralysis is seen if a person is catatonic.

Some people are paralyzed by indecision. They simply cannot decide which path to take or what decision is best for them. We might say they are stuck, but they are in fact paralyzed.

Jesus heals people with various afflictions including physical paralysis as well as spiritual paralysis. Maybe you do not realize you are spiritually paralyzed. You may go through the motions of parcticing your religion, but your heart is numb. You have no belief that God is near you. You do not believe that God loves personally.

Paralysis is not always permanent. Mine was temporary, thank God. The hospitals today are doing wonderful things to restore and rehabilitate patients suffering with paralysis. Today people who once had no hope of walking again are learning to take their first steps.

As we begin Lent in a few days I invite you to look into your heart and see if there is any paralysis. If you discover there is ask God to restore the feeling in your heart. Paralysis robs you of feeling alive.

God is Life!
Look into the mirror and say I Choose Life. I want to feel alive.
The healing of the paralytic in today's gospel is a sign of hope for all who suffer from any paralysis.

This is a picture I took of a pink Crepe Myrtle in bloom. The bare branches support the delicate blossoms. When you are paralyzed you need some type of support...mat...device...or friends.
This kaleidoscope image represents hope in the clusters of pink surrounded by the blue sky. The black chain like parts are the paralysis in our life. Sometimes this paralysis is heavy and dark; other times it almost goes unnoticed but it still exists.

My prayer for you today is that you can 'pick up your mat and Glorify God'
...glorify him for all that he has done for you.

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