Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, March 6, 2015

The New Tunic

~~~ Genesis 37:3-4, 12-13A, 17B-28A ~~~ Psalm 105 ~~~ 
~~~ Matthew 21:33-43, 45-46 ~~~

Three treasures...three sons...three lives thrown out like trash.

Joseph's brothers were jealous and wanted him out of their lives.
So they plotted to kill him in spite of knowing
 how much he was loved by their father.

The workers in the vineyard plotted to kill the landlord's son
with full knowledge that his father was their boss.

These stories are given to us so that we could make
 the natural conclusion about the death of Jesus.

He was the Father's only Son...loved by the Father.
It was the religious leaders of the time
who plotted to get rid of Jesus.

In each story the one who was plotted against posed a threat
 to those who would end their life.

Those with evil in their hearts could not see clearly.
They could not see beyond their own selfishness.

The brothers could not stand that their father had a favorite son.
Why weren't they just as favored?
Why didn't they get new tunics?
They had no need for their youngest brother...
at least not at that point in time.

The tenants in the vineyard worked hard every day...
why should they always give up the fruits they had labored to harvest?

This is the heir.
Come, let us kill him and acquire his inheritance.

Greed and jealousy choked their hearts
breaking down all sense of right and wrong.
What breaks down our barriers between right and wrong?
How did their hearts become so filled with hatred?

When Jesus comes on the scene it is a familiar situation.
He was sent down by the Father.
He came to do the will of the Father.
Those who plotted against him were gripped by fear and jealousy.
They were sure he was going to take over
 their position of authority among the people.

He was going to undermine all that they held important.
Of course we know they were very wrong, but
none the less they succeeded in carrying out their plan.

They, however, were very clever and conniving;
They did not actually commit the murder
themselves they just set the wheels in motion.

Joseph is the one who later saves his family from starvation.
The landlord hires all new workers for his vineyard.
Jesus becomes the savior for us all.

The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone...

Today let pray for clear vision.
Ask God to purify your heart of any ill will towards others.
The Lord Blesses us in his own his own time.
There is a 'new tunic' ready; just your size.

~~~ Peace ~~~

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