Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A Teachable Moment

~~~ Jeremiah 18:18-20 ~~~ Psalm 31 ~~~ Matthew 20:17-28 ~~~

In the middle of Jesus giving his monologue
 revealing his passion and death,
a well-meaning mother approaches
him with requests for her sons. 

As Jesus was going up to Jerusalem,
he took the Twelve disciples aside by themselves,

A monologue and a soliloquy are similar but very different. 
A Soliloquy is an utterance or discourse by a person
 who is talking to himself or herself or is disregardful of 
or oblivious to any listeners present.

Jesus delivers his words as a monologue,
he is directing his words to his disciples walking with him.
Jesus knew who was listening to his telling words.

The woman approaches Jesus as if she has not heard 
one word he just spoke aloud.
This mother sought honor and glory for her two sons
with no regard for the words Jesus had just spoken.
She was a strong Jewish mother.

Did this mother really believe that her sons 
could be seated on either side of Jesus
 without suffering right along with him?

Jesus was not talking to himself, as in a soliloquy.
Jesus was speaking aloud to his disciples
 to prepare them for what was coming.

Was he trying to scare them?
Was he  giving them the chance to back away?
Was he testing their loyalty?
Was he drawing on their compassion and love for him?

...whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant;
whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave.
Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve
and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Jesus uses this mother's request as a teachable moment.
His disciples loved Jesus there is no question about that,
but maybe they too were quarreling among themselves.

Did Jesus have a favorite?
Was there jealousy among these twelve ordinary men?
Did they trust one another?
Did they fear rejection by one another?

Jesus had just shared with them a very intense future.
A future filled with pain, suffering, true horror.

In the secrecy of their own hearts 
they had to admit relief at not being asked
 to make the same crucial journey.

The mother of  the sons Zebedee did not know
 what she was asking when she made her request known to Jesus.
She did not yet understand that Jesus came to surrender
 his life by dying on the cross for all.

Blessed with personal teachable moments
 offered out of love.


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