Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, March 13, 2015

Free Love

~~~ Hosea 14:2-10 ~~~ Psalm 81 ~~~ Mark 12:28-34 ~~~

Take with you words,
and return to the LORD...

Drag out the suitcases. Get ready for the trip of a lifetime.
Make room in your suitcase for words;
words of repentance...words of forgiveness...words of love...
words of a humble and contrite heart.
The Lord is waiting for you to join him on the path.
He has made the perfect route for you.
No matter what you encounter along the path
 he is there walking beside you.

Straight are the paths of the LORD,
in them the just walk,
but sinners stumble in them.

When we are walking with the Lord
no matter how the path may appear to others
 you can only see a path that is straight.

I will love them freely...

Who can speak those words to another?
Can a wife love her husband freely?
Can a husband love his wife freely?
Can parents love their children freely?

Can you even love God freely?
Loving with no expectations or conditions...
Pause and think about that for just a minute.

Can you love your enemies freely?
This is where it begins to get very sticky.
If you are my enemy I may be able to love you
 if you meet my requirements.
Is this what God requires of us?

Take the words of God into your heart.
I will love them freely...

Put you name in the word them.
I will love you freely.

As you pray today use this short verse, replace
 'them' with the names of those you have promised
 to include in your prayers.
When you feel strong enough
 include the names those who you feel
 less inclined to include in your prayers.

Loving freely will bear fruit in your heart.
You will be Blessed through the love that you share.


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