Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How Many Times is Enough?

~~~ Daniel 3:25, 34-43 ~~~ Psalm 25 ~~~  Matthew 18:21-35 ~~~

“Lord, if my brother sins against me,
how often must I forgive him?
As many as seven times?”

Peter is seeking guidance
for an issue we experience throughout our life.
When have we forgiven enough times.
The problem is that God does not count...he is ready
 to forgive as many times as it takes.

God has the capacity to unconditional love;
we pick and chose who is to receive our love.

The Lord knows that is is much more difficult for us
 to forgive those we do love.
Why do you suppose that is the case?

In my own experience I have found it harder
 to forgive someone I love because they do not seem
 to reciprocate the same intensity of love.

Forgiving a family member for instance is very difficult.
You do not expect them to say or do hurtful things against you.

When this does happen it hurts even more deeply.
You hold them to a different standard of love...
we are friends.

I have found it much easier to forgive those who are not close to me.
It is easier to make allowances for their words and actions.

Imagine how God must feel when we do not
 return love to him with equal intensity.

For God it is his love for us that makes it possible
 to forgive us over and over again.

Forgiveness for God is equivalent to our taking the next breath.
Some people struggle with forgiveness an entire lifetime.
Some even carry it with them to their grave.

Who do you still need to forgive in your life?
Place the intention to at least make the first step in your
 heart towards forgiving them today.

Consider that what we may need to forgive another for
 is simply our own perception of the situation.
Could it be that we see harm where none was intended?

Be patient with me...
Lord as I learn forgive as you have forgiven me.
Bless me with your mercy.


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