Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Do You Walk on By?

~~~ Jeremiah 17:5-10 ~~~ Psalm 1 ~~~ Luke 16:19-31 ~~~

Jesus tells the parable of the two men;
one from wealth the other from poverty.

The wealthy man is described in great detail.
...a rich man who dressed in purple garments and fine linen
and dined sumptuously each day.

His clothing is royal, his fabrics the finest linen;
his table is filled with all sorts of foods.

The poor man, named Lazarus, is also described in detail.
...covered with sores,
who would gladly have eaten his fill of the scraps
that fell from the rich man’s table.
Dogs even used to come and lick his sores.

Jesus gives us both ends of the spectrum today.
A non judgmental contrast between wealth and poverty.

The wealthy man is not mentioned by name.
He passes by the poor man right outside his door
 in his comings and his goings.
The poor man sees the wealthy man...
they know each other in a very passive way.

The wealthy man is caught up in his finery and grandeur.
He appears to have no time to notice the poverty at his doorstep.
It is easier for him to step over this poor man
 than to offer him even the scraps from his table. 

The wealthy man is presented to us as insensitive
 oblivious to the needs of an other.

Dogs even used to come and lick his sores.

Lazarus was so transparent that even the dogs recognized his needs.
In their crude way they tended to his bleeding sores.
Lazarus lay there on the ground for all to see his nothingness.

How many times to do we ignore those we see on a regular basis?

The wealthy man who had no name was not
even giving his scraps to the dogs.
How much do we waste on a regular basis
 without giving it one thought?

Later when both men are dead
 the wealthy man finally takes notice of Lazarus.
Now he seeks to be noticed by the poor man.
The tables have turned, but is it too late?

 ... a great chasm is established
to prevent anyone from crossing
who might wish to go from our side to yours
or from your side to ours.

Blessed are the poor for theirs shall be the kingdom of heaven...
The wealthy man is coming face to face with reality.
The you live your life does
 follow you into eternity.

This parable is a reminder to allow God
 to change our hearts before it is too late.
The wealthy man did not take seriously the cry of the poor.
He turned and walked the other way pretending not to notice.

We have been given the grace to change...
God Blesses our hearts with compassion.


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