Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Relationship Ladder

~~~ Hebrews 10:1-10 ~~~ Psalm 40 ~~~ Mark 3:31-35 ~~~

And looking around at those seated in the circle he said,
“Here are my mother and my brothers.
For whoever does the will of God
is my brother and sister and mother.”

At first the words of Jesus are shocking.
His initial response when told his mother and brothers 
are waiting to see him catches us off guard.
He says, Who are my mother and brothers?
Certainly Jesus knew his family members.
Why would he respond in such a manner?
Why would he seemingly be discounting his mother?

Those who had come to listen to Jesus 
were sitting in a circle.
When you sit in a circle it is a 
very intimate seating arrangement.
Jesus was surrounded. 
He was teaching to those he considered his 'family'.

If you are willing to hear his message...
then you are part of his family.
Those seated around Jesus were in effect saying...

 Here am I Lord; I come to do your will.

Jesus tells those in his circle
if they do his will each one of them
 is his mother, brother, or sister.
Notice he does not consider them his Father.
Jesus never put anyone above or equal to the Father.

The question we may ask ourselves...
Does Jesus consider me to be one of his brothers or sisters?
How do we feel about that role?
Would I treat Jesus the same way
 I treat my earthly brothers and sisters?
That is surely food for thought.

We are commanded to love our neighbor as our-self.
What about our brothers and sisters,
are they included? Are they on a higher rung 
of the relationship ladder?

The words from Jesus are far 
more inclusive than a typical family view.
Following the will of God you are seated
 in the circle surrounding Jesus.
Following the will of God allows you to move up 
to the next rung on the relationship ladder.

Blessings abound for those who do the will of God.
He Blesses us as we follow his call.

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