Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Beloved Scene

~~~The Baptism of the Lord~~~
~~~Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7~~~Psalm 29~~~
~~~Acts of the Apostles 10:34-38~~~Mark 1:7-11~~~

On coming up out of the water he saw
 the heavens being torn open 
and the Spirit, like a dove, descending upon him.
And a voice came from the heavens, 
“You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”

The only other time Jesus is referred to as the beloved
 was at the Transfiguration. 
It is such an endearing beloved Son, 
with whom I am well pleased. 
Every child longs to hear that they are loved by their parents. 
Many times, as parents we say words 
that do not project accurate emotional content. 

In some cases the words 
do not even match the emotion; 
they are simply empty words. 
The letters of the words are only outlined with nothing inside. 
Children have this uncanny ability to see through 
hollow words and often reject the person.

In this passage God saturates our senses with vivid details. 
Visually we can picture the clouds billowing apart
swirling about until a clearing is revealed. 

We are given one more beautiful image
 in the Spirit descending like a dove. 
We can easily picture a beautiful white dove, 
wings outstretched, fluttering down upon Jesus. 

God gives us this image so that we have something tangible
 to identify the Spirit. God wants us to be able
 to accept what is taking place.
 He gave us eyes so that we can see and believe. 
Sometimes the Spirit comes like a wind, 
but this time it is a dove.

...the voice of the Father came from the cloud.
If you are intently watching a movie and all of a sudden
 there is a loud voice it is natural to be startled or even frightened. 
So when the invisible voice came unexpected 
it must have made a huge impact.

I invite you to place yourself into this scene and confidently 
hear the Father speak these same words to you. 
This is my Beloved daughter/son 
(add your own name here too),
 in whom I am well pleased. 

Isaiah records in chapter 42:1 the Lord saying, 
"Here is my servant whom I uphold, 
my chosen one with whom I am pleased, 
upon whom I have put my spirit...". 
He continues in verses 6-7 with a beautiful image
 "I have grasped you by the hand". 
If we place our hand in the hand of the Father
 we will only want to do what pleases him as we walk together.

Through the Baptism of Jesus
all of the waters are made holy...the Spirit descends 
upon Jesus and the voice of the Father is heard.
The Trinity is present in the way our senses
 are touched in this scene.

Blessings as we reflect upon the
beauty of the Beloved Scene
of Baptism.

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