Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Where is it Hiding?

~~~ Mark 10:17-27 ~~~ Psalm 98 ~~~ Mark 10:28-31 ~~~

The last day to party before Easter Sunday.
For some it does take all forty days
to repent for their sins of just this one day of partying.
For most Mardi Gras is about the beads, the parades, the floats,
 and the costumes with masked faces.
For others it is a time to put aside their moral
conscience and let it all out...

The first reading today is calling us again to be holy. holy yourselves in every aspect of your conduct,
for it is written, Be holy because I am holy.

Even among themselves, the apostles
were bickering about which one of them should be the greatest.
They each had clearly made sacrifices to follow Jesus.
Each one left their families and their jobs.
Are they bragging about not being like
the rich man who could not give up his wealth?

Jesus assures them that their sacrifice has not gone unnoticed by him,
nor has it been trivialized.
However, he says...
...But many that are first will be last, 
and the last will be first.

Jesus recognizes one thing they have not given up for him;
their ego. Clearly they have held on to what they feel entitled to
...a special place...their just reward.
What are you holding back from Jesus?
We all have something.

Search the depths of your heart.
Where is it hiding?
Or is it in plain sight, but we are holding on to it
rather then releasing it to Jesus.

To be holy is to serve Jesus above all else.
To be holy is to be like Christ
who never put himself first before others.

Every time more of Jesus is revealed to us
we are consequently more abundantly Blessed.
Let us never forget the Lord has made known to us his salvation.

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