Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, March 28, 2014

Is Your Soul Collapsing?

~~~ Hosea 14:2-10 ~~~ Psalm 81 ~~~ Mark 12:28-34 ~~~ have collapsed through your guilt.
Take with you words,
and return to the LORD...

The burden of guilt is truly heavy.

When thinking of the word collapsed, what visual comes to your mind?
Structures can collapse as well as people.
Sometimes it is advantageous to have an object that is collapsible.
It is easier to transport a collapsible table, for instance.
We can suffer from a collapsed lung which impairs the ability to breathe.

The most vivid memory I have is the unbelievable
collapse of the World Trade Center towers.

Collapsed is usually the result of some previous action or event.
Cause and effect are in play, even if the cause is not clearly evident.

Today the prophet Hosea speaks of guilt causing us to collapse.
How much guilt do think it would take?
It is the guilt associated with a grave sin?
Is it the guilt associated with many sins?
Is it the guilt associated with the length of time one carried the guilt?

It is true that our sins gradually
weigh us down until we do ultimately collapse.
We may collapse in our sin because
we realize how greatly we have offended God.
The God who loves us in spite of how we treat him at times.

If we love God with our whole mind, body, and soul it is natural
that we would collapse in his presence.
Being totally exhausted in repentance we collapse to the floor;
humbly giving up ourselves to him.

When a person is 'slain' in the Spirit they collapse
falling down to the floor.
When we are touched by God
the power of the Spirit is overwhelming.
Yes, something as invisible as the power of the Spirit
can affect your physical body.

Collapsed before God allows all of our trust
 to be placed in him.
Ours words of remorse remain
 with us even as we collapse from our guilt.

The mercy and forgiveness of
God make it possible for us to stand up.
Jesus wants us to blossom and take root.
Jesus wants us to be fragrant with our love for him.
Let this fragrance linger in the space around you.

Our guilty conscience may temporarily cause us to collapse,
but Jesus is with us...he will help
us to stand up once again.

How can we not return to him when he is standing right here?
Blessed even as we are collapsed by our guilt.

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