Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Surrounded by His Glory

~~~ The Second Sunday of Lent~~~

~~Genesis 12:1-4a~Psalm 33~2 Timothy 1:8b-10~Matthew 17:1-9~~

The Transfiguration...
Jesus took three of his closest friends up to a high mountain.
God, the Father, shows up with a couple of his
long time buddies...Moses and Elijah.
Something monumental was about to happen.
Jesus revealed to them the definition of hope.
His transfiguration proved that the apostles
should not despair in the coming days.
No matter how bad things would become in the days ahead
the glory of Jesus would prevail.

Jesus changed before his mortal friends,
before the prophets of old as well as his heavenly Father.
For only the second time recorded in the Bible
God the Father spoke from the cloud...

“This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased;
listen to him.”

Understandably the apostles were frightened by the voice coming form the cloud.
Jesus immediately touched them and calmed their fears.

The Apostles were never the same after this experience.
They came to believe that there was reason to have hope in Jesus.
He had been about his Father's business of healing and teaching.
Now he was taking it a step farther...
he was showing them the glory to which
they would come to hold close to their hearts.

Today we are being reminded, this second Sunday of Lent,
that we must return to the Lord
so that we too may participate in the glory of Jesus.
If today you hear his voice do not waste any time repent now.
We have been given the vision of the glorious radiance of the Lord.

We are blessed to have hope
 that we are being invited to join him in his glory.

Do not be afraid to change.
Raise up your eyes Jesus is there for you...
he has been raised form the dead.
Hope in the Lord for he is near.

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