Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Lineage of Wholeness

~~~ Genesis 49:2, 8-10 ~~~ Psalm 72 ~~~ Matthew 1:1-17 ~~~
Today in the gospel from Matthew we are given seventeen verses
listing the genealogy of Jesus.
The older I get the more my ancestral history has come to be valued.
When you are young you don't think too much farther back
 than your grandparents.
It is difficult for children to grasp the concept
that their parents were once little children just like them.
In an effort to teach the value of ancestors teachers often
give the family tree assignment.
I remember one of my younger sisters getting in trouble
with her teacher for not placing
any aunts and uncles on her family tree illustration.
When in reality my sister was correct.
Our parents are both only children
so we do not have any aunts and uncles.
An entire section of our family tree has no branches.
Really strange when you think about it...
are the branches bare or do they just not exist at all?
Establishing the lineage of Jesus fulfills the prophecies,
but it gives us a human connection to him.
We can identify with and understand the importance
of family connections.
Listing, as in a litany, the lineage of Jesus
gives it a formality worthy
of who he is...the Son of God.
Life has a rhythm and reciting the ancestors of Jesus
also sustains a rhythm
all of its own.
This passage proclaims Jesus as one of us even before the
angel Gabriel appeared to Mary.
The lineage of Jesus was evolving with the passage of time.
I do not believe in numerology, but I think you would agree
that some numbers have
specific meaning in the Bible.
That is another whole blog post for the future.
I began to explore the number fourteen in the Bible.
Thus the total number of generations
from Abraham to David
is fourteen generations;
from David to the Babylonian exile, fourteen generations;
from the Babylonian exile to the Christ,
fourteen generations.
We know that the number seven implies perfection or completeness.
To the Jews the number seven or its multiples was significant.
The seventh day was the Sabbath.
The seventh month was holy and had three feast days.
At Passover fourteen lambs were offered.
Thus the lineage of Jesus is connected
for us to perfection and completeness.
When Jesus was born the Old Testament prophecies were finally complete.
From Abraham to the Nativity many generations passed,
 before the coming of the Christ child.
If one looks closely at this lineage of Jesus you see that there are several
individuals that you would not care to have in your family tree.
But here they are in the family tree of Jesus.
Jesus comes into our midst no matter what.
We cannot make the excuse of not being worthy.
We cannot be boastful about being worthy either.
Jesus enters into the good times of our life,
as well as the bad times.
So I guess one could say that there is some darkness
even in the lineage of the Christ.
What matters the most is that when was born all darkness was dispelled.
His light broke into the darkness making it possible for us
to inherit the grace to live a holy life.
This Christmas as your family comes together remember that you
have the light of Christ;
it is up to you to let it shine out to your family.
As part of the Body of Christ we are continuing the lineage of
the baby in the manger lying in the hay.

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