Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Beloved Speaks

~~~ 1 John 1:1-4 ~~~ Psalm 97 ~~~ John 20:1a, 2-8 ~~~
John is almost giddy with eagerness to share
what he has seen with his own eyes
and heard with his own ears.
'...for the life was made visible;
we have seen it and testify to it
and proclaim to you the eternal life...'
Just two days after celebrating the Nativity we are at the empty tomb
with those who loved Jesus the most.
The reality that life and death are connected is here before our eyes.
Why are we at the empty tomb?
Because our faith is based on the Resurrection of Jesus.
His birth was necessary for him to complete the Father's will...
to be raised from the dead.
The birth of Jesus set into motion the breaking of the chains of death.
Without the birth the Resurrection could not have taken place.
It is beautiful that we have the writings of John this week;
he was Jesus' beloved friend.
He loved Jesus very much but when he reached the tomb
that morning he could not make himself go inside.
For a moment the reality of the death of his friend paralyzed him.
It took fearless Peter to actually enter into the tomb.
It was Peter who saw the burial cloths folded neatly
inside the tomb.
More importantly it was the cloth placed upon the face of Jesus
that they discovered neatly folded.
A grave robber would not have taken the time
to tidy the burial cloths.
The folded napkin is very significant in the Hebrew culture.
Having been raised as a faithful Jew, Jesus would have known
the meaning of the folded napkin.
Using this tradition Jesus symbolically represents his completion
of the Father's will by folding this cloth that had covered his face.
His true Divine identity was now being revealed.
Traditionally the folded napkin signaled to the servant
that the master was not finished
and planned to return to the table.
The servant would not begin to clear the table
as long as the napkin was left folded.
Jesus, by folding this cloth, was indicating to his friends that he was
coming back. This is what his Resurrection was about...his return.
The folded cloth signified that Jesus was in control
of death giving us the gift of eternal life.
Jesus allowed himself to be born tiny and fragile....helpless.
He allowed himself to be nailed to the cross...helpless.
Now the emptiness of the tomb and the folded facial cloth,
declares that he will no longer be
under the control of others.
Jesus is the Victor over Death.
John was filled with such immense joy.
He had to write down all that he had witnessed;
thus preserving these great events for future generations of believers.
For when we read these glorious accounts
we are encouraged in our beliefs...
our faith is reinforced.
Our Redemption Journey has begun!

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