Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Emmanuel, God is with us!

~~~ Jeremiah 23:5-8 ~~~ Psalm 72 ~~~ Matthew 1: 18-25 ~~~
Emmanuel, God is with us!
Upon waking from his dream, Joseph had no choice but to trust and believe that following God's plan was in the best interest for everyone.
Not knowing at the time that God's plan would reach much farther than
the birth of the child growing inside of Mary, his betrothed.
"Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel,
who alone does wondrous deeds.
And blessed forever be his glorious name;
may the whole earth be filled with his glory."
Most would not have believed that a mere carpenter's son
would be a king in the making.
God had many from whom he could have chosen to be
the earthly parents of Jesus,
but he chose two quiet humble faith filled humans.
He chose one woman and one man, placing upon their hearts
a trust that could have only come from him.
Jesus began his life isolated from wealth and commerce.
Joseph took Mary away and she gave birth in an obsecure stable.
God, from the beginning, places Jesus among the poor and lowly.
While his genealogy is from the line of David,
Jesus was not born in a luxurious palace with slaves
scurrying around to tend to his needs.
God chose to birth Jesus into a humble setting rather than one of wealth.
If Jesus had come from wealth he might not have ever
walked along the river banks.
If Jesus had been born into wealth he might not have ever
chosen fishermen to follow him.
If Jesus had been born into wealth his compassionate
heart may have never been revealed to us
through his healings.
Every year we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Every year we can gain new insight to the wonder
of what God has done for us.
Jesus came for all of us.
He came embracing humility with only the bare necessities...
namely one woman and one man who loved
him without knowing who he actually was...
God the Son.
The Word became flesh and lived among us.
He physically lived among us then,
but now his spirit lives among us...
Emmanuel, God is with us!

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