Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Eleven Years Later: Let Peace Arise

~~~ 1Cor 6:1-11 ~~~ Psalm 149 ~~~ Luke 6:12-19 ~~~
I can still feel the remnants of the shock and fear that morning eleven years ago.
 I was sitting with my small group of struggling math students.
My thoughts quickly went to my son and daughter in law;
for they were living in Brooklyn and working in the the city.
Just a few months before she had turned down a job
in one of the twin towers.
That tragic day eleven years ago still has the power to fill our eyes with tears.
How could another human being even conceive of such a horrible act;
much less carry it out?
Were the people responsible even human?
We sat for hours and days as the media replayed
the footage of those two towering man made structures
crumble to the ground like toys.
In the following days every reaction known to mankind
was thrust into action.
That day thousands of innocent lives were lost.
That day thousands of lives were spared by seemingly small delays.
That day being late for work may have
made the difference between life and death.
In spite of the evil that had struck our country
God brought out the genuine core of goodness within so many people.
That day God created the perfect environment
for people to think not of themselves first
but of their fellowmen.
That day the first responders acted fearlessly as they climbed the stairs 
to meet their calling; to save the lives of those they had vowed to take care of.
Today eleven years after this tragedy, we remember all those who were lost.
Today eleven years later we remember those who lost loved ones that day.
Today we remember those who continue to suffer as a result of this evil act.
Eleven years later where are we as a country?
Eleven years later where are we as individuals?
How have we been able to move on into a place of peace?
Eleven years later are we any closer to being able to forgive?
Eleven years later are we more fearful?
Eleven years later do we harbor more hatred
and bias within our own hearts?
Today as we remember let us continue to trust
that God did, does, and will be our protector.
Today as we remember let us believe that this world
can only experience peace
to the extent that each individual
experiences the same peace.
True peace can only come from God above.
The prayer of St. Francis is more important than ever.
I invite you to let your heart be an instrument of peace in our world.
Seek peace for yourself so that through this peace
you may spread peace on to others.
God alone will deliver justice.
We are ever reminded that his ways are not our ways.
His mercy endures forever.
He alone is the judge.
He came to be among us so that we could come
to a deeper understanding of love....his love.
I pray that we continue to strive toward a greater world peace.
I am forever grateful for the out pouring of goodness 
we were witness to
eleven years ago today.
" you have had yourselves washed, you were sanctified,
you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
and in the Spirit of our God."
(1 Corinthians 6:11)
May the Christ residing in your heart dispel all darkness, fears, and hatred.
Let Christ raise you up with himself, bringing you unto himself.

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