Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mary...Born to Love

~~~ Micah 5: 1--4a or Rom 8: 28-30 ~~~ Psalm 13 ~~~ Matt 1: 1-16, 18-23 ~~~
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
It is rare that the church commemorates a birth, Mary is the exception.
" her soul was the space from which God was able
to gain access into humanity"
(Pope Benedict XVI)
God prepared in advance just the right person
to bring forth the humanity of the Trinity.
He prepared Mary.
She came from humble beginnings.
She was living a normal, simple life.
She was a young girl who grew up in a loving prayerful family.
Her parents had no knowledge of who their beautiful daughter would become.
They taught her to be open to hearing the voice of God.
They modeled for her their love and obedience to God.
They were devout Jews.
They too were waiting in anticipation for the Messiah.
In Paul's letter to the Romans he writes
one of the most valuable verses in scripture...
"...We know that all things work for good for those who love God,
who are called according to his purpose."

Mary exemplifies this each word of this verse.
Because she loves God her whole life was infused with love and goodness.
She was called by God according to his purpose.
She accepted his call even though she had doubts.
God does not say we won't have doubts.
What he does say is trust me I will make all things work for good.

Mary's heart was conditioned to able to freely give her consent
in spite of the many doubts she had.
When Mary trusted God he did not only take care of her doubts
he also took care of the doubts Joseph held in his heart.

She believed that all things were possible for and with God.
It was her cooperation with the grace of God that she found
the strength to be the mother of Jesus.

Her life would have never been described as easy or simple.
She endured tremendous hard ships.
She experienced great sadness in her life.

She was the closest person to Jesus. She bore him in her womb.
What I think is good for us to remember is this...
if Mary had to endure disappointments and sadness in her life;
why we expect anything different?

Sometimes we get confused and think that if
we have this awesome relationship with God we will always be happy.
We tend to think that our love of God will prevent sadness
and serious illness from affecting us.

These thoughts may not be ones we are consciously aware of,
but I believe they are there just below the surface.
Somehow we believe we should be spared these hard life hardships.

Next time you find yourself thinking 'why me'?
Stop and remember Mary did not ask that question
when the angel came to her or
when she held the limp body of her son,
Jesus, at the foot of the cross.

Mary is here for us.
She will intercede for us as any loving mother would.
Join me in celebration of the birth of the Mother of Our Lord,
Jesus Christ.
Mary, mother of God, pray for us.

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