Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, September 29, 2012

In the Sight of Angels

The Feast of the Archangels:
Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael
~~~ Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rev 12:7-12ab ~~~ Psalm 138 ~~~ John 1: 47-51 ~~~
Archangels are the highest level of angels.
Angels are 'messengers' derived from the Greek word 'aggelos'.
Certainly we are very familiar with the archangel Gabriel,
whom God sent to Mary in the Annunciation.
God also used an angel to assure St. Joseph that he should remain
with Mary in spite of her being with child.
Some report Angels to be mentioned 108 times in the Old Testament
and 165 in the New Testament.
As spirits, angels have no bodies so they can be present
and yet not seen by us.
I once heard a priest say that at each celebration of the Liturgy
angels surround the altar.
This to me is beautiful image when I think about even
the heavenly spirits praising God.
Archangels are so much more than the little cherubs we see on Valentine's day.
One day when I was teaching a little boy asked me if I believed in angels.
I told him yes. He then explained to me how he had seen an angel
while riding in the car one day. It was such a tender conversation.
He was speaking to me so innocently about his experience.
I think he was looking for someone whom he could safely confide in...
someone who would not make fun of him...
someone who also believed in angels.
I think we want to believe in angels.
I think for the most part angels maybe a real connection
between us and heaven.
I recently began visualizing my guardian angel
enveloping whatever vehicle I am riding in.
I happen to have a great fondness for Gabriel.
I feel safe having his wings enfolding the car or now the bus.
To me angels represent goodness. They were created by God.
They sing Holy, Holy, Holy forever praising God.
They are the heavenly hosts.
God entrusts his most precious messages for us
to his angels.
When Jesus saw Nathaniel 'under the fig tree' he made reference to angels.
"...You will see greater things than this."
And he said to him, "Amen, amen, I say to you,
you will see heaven opened
and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man."
Can you imagine what a sight this will be...
angels everywhere as far as the eye can see singing and praising God.
I wonder what angel voices will sound like when we do get to hear them.
I believe there are more than enough angels for us to each have our own.
I am beginning to be more aware of my angel...conscious of its presence.
If you have not given much thought to your angel
today is a good day to begin.

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