Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Look for the Hidden Blessings

~~~ 1Cor 7:25-31 ~~~ Psalm 45 ~~~ Luke 6:20-26 ~~~
Raising his eyes toward his disciples Jesus said:
"Blessed are you............"
Life is funny; the more you have the more you want.
There is always something more we can convince ourselves we 'need'.
The reading today focus on blessings.
Many famous and wealthy people are not happy with their life.
They have everything money can buy...houses, cars, exotic vacations,
cosmetic surgical procedures.
Yet the one thing they cannot seem to purchase is peace of heart.
We are being invited to day to look at our life from a different viewpoint.
That is; 'How is our life filled with blessings from God?'
God blesses each person according to their own needs.
It does not matter if you are married, single, widowed,
ruler, pauper, farmer, factory worker.
We all have blessings given just to us.
The readings today place our blessings in the balance scale.
So many times in my life God has surprised me with unexpected blessings.
Getting a new position at work, bringing a special person
into my life at just the right time,
showing me a solution to a problem are just a few examples.
Sometimes we cannot see our blessings until they disappear.
Once they are gone we realize
they were indeed a blessing we sadly took for granted.
When you are in turmoil it is much harder to see those blessings.
Why would someone who just lost all of their belongings
in a hurricane view it as blessing?
But surprisingly some are able to view even that situation as a blessing.
They are able to concentrate on what they do have;
mainly their life and the lives of loved ones.
Often what we perceive as the important blessings
turn out to be burdensome.
Luke is saying be aware that things have a way of changing.
Do not get caught up in believing your blessings
can or should only look a certain way.
Instead become a person who can weather all circumstances
with the focus on the all-inclusive blessings.
The package deal, blessings come with pain and sorrow.
"Rejoice and leap for joy on that day!
For you will truly realize just how blessed you are
if you can make all things blessings.
I friend once told me to look for the hidden blessings each day.
How wise are her words.
This is a much better way to live.
Having more and more material things does not give us a blessed life. 
There are blessings in your life right now...
some may be like tiny sparks while others may be larger than life itself.
Can you see them?
Will you look for them?
How will you respond to the blessings of today?
Raising his eyes toward his disciples Jesus said:
"Blessed are you............"

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