Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, April 16, 2012

Spirit of the Living God

~~~ Acts 4: 23-31 ~~~ Psalm 2 ~~~ John 3: 1-8
Released by the authorities Peter and John returned to the people and openly prayed for God to intervene on their behalf.  Believing they were merely the instrument at the hand of the Lord. They prayed for the gift of fortitude and as they prayed the place shook with the power of God. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit.
Those things which one cannot see are more difficult to understand. If I hear an unfamiliar sound during the night I try to listen more intently. My brain begins trying to place the sound with something I have heard before.
Nicodemus, a Pharisee, has a similar problem. He understands what it means to be born of a woman. Jesus was speaking about another kind of birth. He was referring to a birth from above; a birth of the Spirit which comes from God.
The Breath of Heaven remains here with us.
The 'wind' of the Spirit comes upon you without being seen.
Sometimes the spirit comes as a cool gentle breeze you hardly notice, but you know it is there. The ways you look at things are different. Other times the Spirit comes over you with the power of a tsunami. You are profoundly and forever changed. I have most often felt the power of the Spirit during a retreat, even if I am staffing. At times the Spirit is just a subtle brush of a rose petal across your cheek.

May the Spirit of the breath of the Lord rest upon you.
Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on me.

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