Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Let Jesus Open Your Mind

~~~ Acts 3: 11-26 ~~~ Psalm 8 ~~~ Luke 24: 35-48 ~~~
Peter is not mincing his words during this sermon. He accuses the Israelites of ignoring all of the words of the prophets. “...The author of life you put to death, but God raised him from the dead; of this we are witnesses.” Peter finally says after he calms down, but I know you acted out of ignorance, just as your leaders did.”
In other words you still have a chance to make things right with your God. Even if you make a mistake and follow the wrong person; once you discover this you can still repent and be converted.
These are the very people God made his covenant with through Abraham and Moses. He is appealing to their understanding of their own heritage...don’t you get it?
You are the chosen people from ancient times.
Jesus extended peace to the disciples, standing in their midst, while the two from Emmaus are excitedly sharing how they ‘recognized him in the breaking of the bread’.
I think so often we are fearful when we recognize God is working in our lives. Questions do arise within our hearts. Maybe we are fine where we are and the thought of something different is unsettling. Our plans are often not God's plans for us.
Jesus invites them to touch him. He wants them to know without a doubt that it really is him. It is not a ghost they are creating in their mind, but it is him. While they are still catching their breath he asks for something to eat. He eats and confirms for them the truths written by the prophets long before.
Then Jesus does something remarkable, but yet something we can also pray for today... “He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.” They had this huge AHA! Suddenly their questions were no longer unanswered. They could see with new vision. Jesus was giving them this blessing, because of their faithfulness. They became first person witnesses to the fulfillment of the scriptural promises.
Amazing Grace!!
They had first hand confirmation of his resurrection. They once again touched him and ate with him. This is one of several post resurrection appearances made by Jesus. He was assuring his beloved followers that there would be no questions or any doubt about the resurrection.
They had made the sorrowful journey to Golgotha with him and now
they are included in the magnificence of his Resurrection.

What you have seen with your own eyes,
touched with your own fingers,
and heard with your own ears can never be taken away from you.
These experiences with Jesus permanently imprinted  upon their hearts.
They went out to spread the good news.
The prophets were indeed inspired by God through their words.
What is imprinted upon your heart?

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