Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Denied and Betrayed by Friends? Really?

Isaiah 49:1-6 ~~~ Psalm 71 ~~~ John 13: 21-33, 36-38
I have long found joy in the poetic writing style of the prophets, especially Jeremiah and Isaiah. Today we hear such tender intimate words from Isaiah..."The Lord called me from birth, from my mother's womb he gave me my name..." How blessed to have that kind of connection with God to be able to say those words...and more importantly to believe them to be true.
When we go about the work of the Lord for his glory and not our own the reward is great. The prophet is of course making reference to Jesus, but is it not also true for us. If what we do for others in turn gives glory to God we can be a light to all.

Do you want to put that intention into your heart? Do you want to be light for others or are you content keeping to yourself?

The psalmist writes of salvation songs of God rescuing him from the hand of the wicked. He continues with acknowledging his total dependence on God from birth. This is the kind of trust God wants us to have in him...just as newborn must trust its mother to care for it. The difference is that the baby knows nothing else; it is completely dependent the parents for all of its needs.

We, as adults, struggle with this kind of dependence on God's providential care. We instead become worry warts and just get in God's way. On the other hand I do not think God wants us to be helpless little babies. He wants to live our lives trusting that he really does know what is best for each of us.

Peter is one Jesus' dearest friends.have been very painful for him to be told by Jesus that he would deny knowing him that very night. Throughout the New Testament Peter is someone whom we can relate to. He finds himself saying things that he later regrets. He says things before he thinks. He is so us, but denying Jesus after spending the last three years together day after day is hard to believe.

When fear grabs your body your responses are unpredictable. He was caught up in the emotions of the night. Learning that one of their own would later betray Jesus that night was shocking to Peter. 

It is best not to ever say what you would or would not do
without knowing all of the circumstances.
All of these negative things had to take place before Jesus could be glorified. He tries to explain to his followers that they could not come with him on the rest of the salvation journey. They would soon come to understand the fullness of his words.

We are forever grateful for the suffering which you endured for us, dear Jesus.

Today call or email a friend or family member;
let them know you were thinking of them.
Tell them you said a prayer for them.

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