Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Nighttime Fears

~~~ Acts 6: 1-7 ~~~ Psalm 33 ~~~ John 6: 16-21 ~~~
The numbers grew to the point where assistants were recruited to take over the daily distribution...these new recruits took over the outreach ministry. This structural change would free up the apostles to concentrate more on prayer and teaching. Seven men deemed holy and wise were chosen. The apostles laid hands on them and prayed over them. The deaconate begins.
Whenever we embark on a new adventure it is normal I think to experience feelings of fear. Sometimes a new adventure is life taking a leap in the dark. You are not sure of where you will land or on what you might be landing.
Are you a risk taker?
I keep a night light on in the living room. I am not comfortable in complete darkness. It makes me feel so uneasy. When I was a little girl I used to be afraid of the man in the moon. My daddy would laugh at me because I was afraid of something he thought was silly. But it was not a silly fear to me at the time.
Sometimes we do not even know what we might be afraid of until we a smack dab in the middle of the fear. Wow, then what!
So the disciples were fishing, surprise, but this night they were out late. A sudden storm forms bring high winds. They are being tossed around in their fishing boat. They are trying to make it back to the shore rowing as best they can in the stormy winds. Their focus is obviously on keeping the boat afloat in the rough waters.
For a moment their fear intensifies when they see Jesus walking on the sea, but his calming words, ‘It is I. Do not be afraid.’ Put them at ease.

They were eager to take him safely aboard; when he delivers them safely to the shore. When you are facing troubled waters in your life, are you able to trust that God will deliver you safely to the shore?
Even as I write these words, I am not sure of my own level of trust in God.
It is easy to write words;
it is something far different to put them into practice.

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