Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Cross You Carry

~~~ Romans 13:8-10 ~~~ Psalm 112 ~~~ Luke 14:25-33 ~~~

 ...the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.

All of the commandments are summed up
 in one word...

It is love, for yourself and love for others,
 that fulfill the law.
The law is both simple and complex at the same time.

Paul writes to the Romans...
love does no evil to oneself or to others.
When you honor the Christ
within yourself and your neighbor
it becomes obvious that all is about love.

The gospel of Luke sounds extreme at first reading.
Jesus instructs you to leave every member of your family.

Whoever does not carry his own cross 
and come after me cannot be my disciple.

Sometimes it is easier to 'hate' members
 of your family than to love them.
Jesus instructs us to love above all else.

Perhaps loving members of your family
 is the cross you must carry.
For some it is easier to walk away from certain relatives.

The question you must ask yourself
is more about your motive.

Do you ever examine the motives for your actions?

Is love your primary motive?

Love is the blueprint for all that is of value in your life.
In Love is where life planning begins.

Jesus shows you the way.
Jesus is love.
When you concentrate on your relationship with Jesus
you will discover the power of love.

When you come to painful
situations in your life
it is this foundation of love
that eases the pain.

There is no easy way out of this world.
You cannot run and hide from challenging times
 or people in your life.

All things are possible with God
 because God is love.

Blessed to believe you are never alone.


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