Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, November 6, 2015

Be Not Shy...Boast

~~~ Romans 15:14-21 ~~~ Psalm 98 ~~~ Luke 16:1-8 ~~~

I have reason to boast in what pertains to God.
For I will not dare to speak of anything
except what Christ has accomplished through me...

There is a great deal of attention placed on evangelizing others.
This was the main mission for St. Paul,
he was going about boasting about the Lord.
Paul was not shy about speaking what the truth about Jesus.
Paul used his voice everywhere he walked
to recognize the greatness of God.
He gave credit to God for every good thing
 accomplished through his preaching.

Paul held himself to a higher standard
than many others.
A standard that deferred all that was good
 to the spirit of God working in him.

You are called to hold yourself to the same
higher standard of living.
You may not have the personality of Paul,
but in your own way you too can reflect
what God has done for you.

Paul aspired to proclaim the gospel message.
Do you share this same aspiration?

Do you remain silent at times
when you know you should speak up?

Are you overly protective of your ego
 in situations where you should act?
Whatever goodness you possess in your life
has not come except through the power of God.

We all have reason to boast along with Paul.
God has done great things for you.
Are you aware of what those are?
Do you take the time to notice?

Give God his due credit...
speak his words as often as you can.
The words of Jesus are love, kindness, and mercy.
The greatest gift you can give may be
a few peace-filled words.

You have every reason to boast
about all things pertaining to God.

God sustains your life...
he is the giver of all that is good.
Speak to others of how God is working in your life...
making you a better person today than you were yesterday.

You are a participant in the salvation story.
Rejoice and be glad.

Blessings of courage to speak up.
You do possess the grace of God's goodness.


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