Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Soul Accounting

~~~ Romans 14:7-12 ~~~ Psalm 27 ~~~ Luke 15:1-10 ~~~

...there will be rejoicing among the angels of God
over one sinner who repents.

It is never too late to come back to the Lord.
Jesus chose to mingle with sinners.
Pope Francis chose to wash the feet of those in prison.

The shepherd goes in search of the lost sheep
even if they may not realize they are lost.
Jesus is the way for sinners to receive forgiveness.

None of us lives for oneself, and no one dies for oneself.

Jesus is the living truth that you do not live for yourself alone.
Life would be too simple if your priority was only 'you'.
The lost sheep is found because the shepherd
knew one was missing.
Jesus is seeking you every moment of your life.
Jesus seeks you now for the times when you may be lost.
He knows you. You are so precious to him.

So then each of us shall give an account of himself to God.

What will God ask of you on your final day?
Will you be given the opportunity to admit your failings?

How will you balance the ledger?
Will your acts of love, kindness, and forgiveness
be greater than your failings?

It does not matter how many or how severe
your sins may be Jesus restores life to your soul.

He is the only one who can restore your soul
to its original beauty.

...every knee shall bend before me,
and every tongue shall give praise to God.

The soul, when restored to its beauty,
spontaneously bows before God;
praising him for his great mercy.

Giving an account before God
is the result of understanding and humility.
There will be no denial on your part
when you stand face to face with God.

God cannot be anything but transparent with you.
He is transparent through his desire
 to love you in spite of your sins.

He will bring you back amidst great heavenly rejoicing.
He knows the original unblemished
beauty of your soul; just as he created it.

May you be Blessed to believe
you are as precious as the one found sheep.


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