Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Be Vigilant at All Times

~~~ Daniel 7:15-27 ~~~ (Psalm) Daniel 3:82-87 ~~~ 
~~~ Luke 21:34-36 ~~~ 

Be vigilant at all times
and pray that you have the strength
to escape the tribulations that are imminent
and to stand before the Son of Man.

It is not easy to find the strength to vigilant all the time...
this is where the power of pray takes precedence.
Whatever tribulations encountered along your path of life,
prayer makes them all more palatable.

We must first withstand our trials and tribulations
prior to standing before Jesus.
We must keep up the good fight.
We must remain steadfast no matter what happens.
We must be on our guard for that which is designed to deceive us.

The empty promises of drugs, alcohol and sex
in excess are designed to make our hearts drowsy.
The anxieties of life do not retreat 
when our hearts are numbed.
It is like wearing a mask to hide your 
real appearance before others.

Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy
from carousing and drunkenness
and the anxieties of daily life...

Jesus revealed to the people their history
 and what was yet to come.
It is understandable for him to caution
 them about becoming anxious.

It is so easy to relieve our stress by raising a glass of alcohol
 or through consuming our favorite foods.
Too much carousing numbs the heart and mind.

Some drunks are happy, some are sad, 
and others become angry and violent.
If we are to remain vigilant we must be at our best.
We must not be under influences
that cloud our conviction to be vigilant.

Be vigilant at all times
and pray that you have the strength...

God alone sees who you truly are in your heart.
Since he alone knows within the depths of your soul;
it is him alone who can strengthen you in your prayers.

As we know all things are possible with God.
Prayer makes us mindful of the presence of God.
He is the one through whom we live, and breathe.
He is the one who sustains our life.

Be Vigilant!
Do not become Drowsy!
Pray to have Strength!

Let the Blessings of Gratitude
flow freely through your heart 
where there will be no space for anxieties.


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